Representing function properties in TypeScript

We’ve been using TypeScript on an Electron project. It’s been a huge win already—a little additional upfront investment gives us more confidence that our code is correct and reduces the chance that it will pass unexpectedly-shaped objects around, a source of many bugs in my past Node applications.

But sometimes, it’s not immediately clear how to type certain kinds of objects. You can, of course, represent these as any whenever you need to—but any any you rely on can weaken your code’s quality. Last week, I discovered another way to avoid falling back on that crutch, thanks to the power of TypeScript’s type system.

Electron applications rely on IPC to communicate between their main Node process and the renderer processes that present the user interface. Because our application uses IPC extensively, we decided to wrap Electron’s IPC libraries in a lightweight custom object that could emit log messages. This would allow us to trace IPC problems, and it could easily be replaced by a fake IPC implementation for unit testing.

To implement the logging of incoming IPC messages, we attached a wrapper function to Electron’s IPC library instead of the requested listener, like this:

ipcMain.on(channel, (event: Electron.IpcMainEvent, ...args: any[]): void => {
  console.log(`heard ${channel}`, args);
  listener(event, ...args);

This worked great until we needed to implement one new piece of functionality: removing a defunct listener.

I’m Not Listening

Removing a listener from an EventEmitter is important in a long-lived process, especially if you’re attaching listeners to a long-lived object like Electron’s IPC implementation.

If you fail to do this, you’ll not only be leaking memory by creating references that can’t be garbage-collected. You’ll also potentially be setting your application up for hard-to-trace bugs when zombie listeners you didn’t think were still around come roaring back to life.

If you’re simply listening to one event, solving this problem is fairly easy—just use .once instead of .on, and the EventEmitter will take care of it for you.

If you’ve got multiple listeners, though—like a pair of success and error listeners, one of which must remove the other, you must use .removeListener—and that requires a function reference to identify which listener to remove. Because we wrapped the real listener, we need to ask the EventEmitter to remove our wrapper, which we don’t have a reference to—and tracking it is an exercise in complexity that I’d rather not add to a wrapper class.

The solution I arrived at involved attaching a .wraps property to our wrapper functions, holding a reference to the listener function:

function wrapCallbackWithLogger(callback, message) {
  const listener = (event, ...args) => {
    callback(event, ...args);
  listener.wraps = callback;
  return listener;

This allowed me to write code that would search the listeners attached to any particular IPC channel for the wrapper function wrapping the listener we were asked to remove:

const listenerToRemove =
  listeners.filter(candidate => candidate.wraps === wrappedListener)[0];

Unfortunately, none of this made TypeScript very happy. And that is as it should be; Functions don’t have wraps properties!

Declaring Our Intent to Wrap

The very first thing I needed to do was declare some types so that TypeScript would understand the shape of our wrapper function. The function I wanted to wrap was easy enough; Electron types already had IpcMainEventListener and IpcRendererEventListener for both sides of its IPC implementation. I decided to write my own generic listener type:

declare type IpcEventListener<E> = (event: E, ...args: any[]) => void;

Now that I had this type, I could extend it with the .wraps property easily:

interface WrappedIpcEventListener<E> extends IpcEventListener<E> {
  wraps: IpcEventListener<E>;

Building the object was a bit trickier. In my original, TypeScript inferred listener as a basic callback for the IPC event listener, so it wouldn’t allow me to add the wraps property, and the basic callback didn’t satisfy WrappedIpcEventListener. The solution turned out to be doing it all in one step:

function wrapCallbackWithLogger<E>(
  callback: (event: E, ...args: any[]) => void,
  message: string
): WrappedIpcEventListener<E> {
  return Object.assign(
    (event: E, ...args: any[]) => {
      callback(event, ...args);
    {wraps: callback}

Object.assign was the final ingredient to making the wrapping work—it took the wrapper callback and a new object containing just the wraps property. The result matched the WrappedIpcEventListener interface perfectly.

Making the filtering work required a little cast (as the listeners method on EventEmitter returns Array<Function>), but I was comfortable with it. If a candidate function didn’t have a wraps property, it would return undefined, never matching the listener we want to remove:

const listenerToRemove: WrappedIpcEventListener<E> =
  (listeners as Array<WrappedIpcEventListener<E>>)
    .filter(candidate => candidate.wraps === wrappedListener)[0];

With all this in place, the TypeScript compiler is happy, and we’re happy because we keep our extraordinarily useful IPC wrapper.

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